
Collaborative Design Workshops


"If it's about us without us, it's not for us"

This is quote I was introduced to by Sticks N Stones, it's from the Polish Constitution 1505. It sums up the reason why co-design is so important and powerful. 

One of the ways I can work with you is using participatory design methods and design thinking. This is a great way to build strong, well integrated design concepts and strategies that work for  your organisation, people and purpose. 


Tell my Story (Brand)

A collaborative process designed to draw out the essence of your organisations personality and story.  It starts by getting you and your key people together and using intuitive facilitation methods to draw out ideas and voices and then synthesising them into a clear story that feels right - because it came from you. The clarity of the end result unlocks an amazing amount of energy because it has everyone proudly pulling in the same direction. 

This process is useful for:

  • Developing one clear cohesive story

  • Developing a new brand

  • Evolving an existing brand

  • Extending your brand to new areas, for example online, or developing a new service or product


This collaborative design process will help us understand your organisation and it’s goals; your audience and their needs and embed them into the heart of your site or app. Looking at user personas, organisational goals (short and long term), and developing key user pathways to design a site that works for your organisation and your audience. It will also educate and train your staff about your site right from the beginning meaning by the time you go live you have an indepth knowledge of your site or app: what it is, how to use it and why it has been designed and developed the way it has.  

his process is useful for:

  • designing websites or apps

  • start ups getting online

  • organisations who want to evolve or update their online presence

PROTOTYPE MY IDEA (Creative Visualisation)

If you have an idea concept or theory that you are finding hard to communicate developing a prototype can help. A prototype will reveal and distills your ideas into a clear visual  that makes it easy to communicate and get your message across. This can take many forms, from an infographic to a fully clickable digital prototype.  A protoype will allow you to test and refine ideas without the expense of creating the full end result. 

This process is useful when you need to:

  • communicate a complex idea

  • synthesise a number of ideas into a cohesive whole

  • get clarity and engagement

  • apply for funding or get investment for an online product or platform


Collaborative workshops using persona games and design thinking can help you connect with your audience and make sure what ever we design is right for them. The format of this process is very flexible and can be tailored to you. It can involve journey mapping, prototyping, future thinking and other design methods. 

This process is useful for:

  • community engagement

  • getting a clear understanding of your audience and their needs

  • service design and prototyping