


Here is a quick run down of how I work and what I do. If you would like to work with me please get in touch.


I work as a freelance design consultant and  specialise in working on design projects with a purpose - including health, education, community, science, conservation, youth development and more.

My skillset spans, strategy, brand development, interactive and graphic design, illustration, art direction and project management. I love collaborating and can look after a project from start to finish; including making sure you have the best people working with you. 

Purpose Driven Collaborative Design

Working together we can create something that is greater than anything we could create individually. I work with you using participatory design methods and design thinking to build strong, well integrated design concepts and strategies that fit your purpose.

Visual Storytelling & Illustration

Visual storytelling has the magical ability to delight and engage, bring clarity to complex concepts, align ideas and people, communicate cross-culturally and make the unseen seeable. It is playful serious fun.

I use illustration as a communication tool to help clients with science communication, engagement campaigns, visualising strategies in a picture. and more.

Brand Development & Graphic Design

Expertise in brand development, from brand strategy and narrative to identity design, across all sectors and media. I have proven experience in creating and developing brands for offline and online environments and designing brands to take advantage of the dynamic nature of social media.

Strategy & Digital Design

As a strategist and digital designer, I have a particular interest in social experience design, and am inspired by people using design to activate spaces to create communities on and offline. 

A graduate of Massey University’s Visual Communications Design programme I am also a founding member of The League of Live Illustrators.